Monday, August 1, 2011 | By: Bianca + Jason

Angie & Co.

Hello again!! 

I know, I know. It’s been WAY too long since I’ve posted anything. Many apologies, things have been kinda crazy for the past few months with job switching, losing our modes of transportation, etc. But overall, things are going swimmingly in the Big D, and we are happy as a couple larks.

We actually just had a fun little family weekend. (Hopefully I'll get some pictures posted on here soon.)Jason’s sister came down to visit with all four kids in tow. Yep, count em. Four. This was my first time hanging out with the girls, and I have to say... I was a little nervous. I don’t have siblings myself, I haven’t been around kids much, and I grew up mostly being the baby of the family. So, I wasn’t sure if I would know how to act, or if they would like me, or what would happen. But just like the rest of Jason’s family, they accepted me immediately.... greeting me with hugs, immediately calling me “B,” and making themselves right at home. Awesome.

It was such a different experience for Jason and I to hang out with kids all weekend, but we had lots of fun. We cooked for them, took them to see Downtown, went to {Central Market}, played at {the park}, and ate seafood at {Aw Shucks Oyster Bar!}.

After they drove off on Sunday night, I was reflecting on the weekend’s events, and I realized the lessons I learned (or forgot and relearned):

1. Kids are messy. 

They spill tea, get chocolate on the carpet, run through the fountains at {the park}, roll in the grass. But it’s okay because they don’t mean to mess stuff up, and if they get wet or dirty or snotty or smelly.... well it’s okay. They’ll clean up.
2.Kids ask a LOT of questions. A LOT.
B, whats your favorite color?..... B, can I help pick out your clothes?....What are you putting on your face?....What’s that mean?.....How do elephants have babies?... and on and on and on.

I forgot that as a kid, you’re constantly learning and absorbing the world around you. It’s fun to teach them, and it’s interesting to watch them take in their environment, through all their senses. Not only do they learn by listening to the answers of their endless questions, but also by watching how you act, listening to how you speak, and feeling how you care for them.

3.One of the best things is making kids laugh. 

As soon as they walked through the door, "Uncle J" was cracking them up and it was so cool to hear them all laugh out loud. By the end of the weekend I was singing and dancing around just to get a giggle or two. And it’s really worth the effort.

4.Kids love easily. (Especially these ones). 

They don’t guard their hearts, because they haven’t been broken. They can sense happiness and goodness, they feed off of it, and they give it back. One of the coolest things was how easily they accepted me as one of their own... the first day they were hanging onto me, holding my hand, and giving me hugs. It’s a shame we all have to grow up and get hurt and end up losing that childlike abandon of loving each other so innocently and sweetly.

5.It takes ENERGY to be around kids, because they have lots of it. 

I commend all of my family and friends who have children.... especially if you have more than one!! Hats off to Angie for raising four of them. By the end of the first day, I looked at her and said, 

“You do this every day?”

“Do what?”


I was W.O.R.E.  O.U.T!!!

6.Kids say really funny things too.

“We’re from Oklahoma... We like to take pictures of buildings!!”
“Look at that pitbull!!” (It was actually a Westie)

“There’s two guys. There’s a Range Rover. There’s a Mustang. There’s a Camaro.”

“Ooooh, I like those rims!” (coming from the eight year old)

Just a few of the many weird funny things they said this weekend. They’re so entertaining!!

So thanks to Angie and the fam for making a trip to the Big D!! We had a blast and hope to see you again soon!!