Wednesday, March 2, 2011 | By: Bianca + Jason

We Heart Addison Circle Park!

As I was hanging up clothes one day at Anthropologie, a fellow co-worker asked, “Did you watch the Grammys last night?”
To which I responded, “No, I don’t have a TV.”
Another girl chimed in, “You don’t have a TV?? That’s so refreshing! What do you do?”
“Well, I read, we watch movies sometimes... we go to the park a lot and just hang out.”
“That’s so inspiring! It makes me want to throw out all my televisons!”

People are always surprised when ***GASP!!*** We don’t have a television. No, we don’t live in a cave. The truth is, we gave up nearly everything to move to Dallas. However, back in OKC, we weren’t big TV watchers then. Jason had one with cable, but we rarely ever watched it. We are much more active people... we like to explore and go places and do things. One of our favorite pastimes in OKC was to sit on the floor and just hang out... talking, taking turns picking out music, looking out the windows at the craziness of Western Avenue and the bar across the street, Cock o’ the Walk.

In our new Dallas apartment, we don’t have a view into Cock O’the Walk, so we’ve had to discover new sources of entertainment... which leads to the introduction of Addison Circle Park

Tree hugging in Addison Circle

Addison Circle is a medium size community of apartments, retail, and restaurants that makes you feel as if you’re in the middle of downtown, but without all the traffic and noise and bums because Addison itself is more suburban. Brick paved sidewalks, loft apartments with bay windows, little fountains and gardens tucked in corners or apartment atriums, trees, dog parks... and everybody outside, enjoying every bit of it. It’s a cozy little community that we have dreamed of living in.
Fountain and Theater Seating

On the edge of this wonderful little place is a huge park called Addison Circle Park. To get to it, you drive in a roundabout that centers on a monstrous, cobalt blue sculpture. The metal fixture consists of different grid sections with different shapes and line configurations that represent different parts of Addison’s history.  Then you pull up to the park.

Addison Circle Sculpture

Addison Circle Park is a huge expanse of grass and winding trails, dotted with trees. The upper level, adjacent to the street, has multiple fountains and mini waterfalls that flow into rectangular pools of water. It’s hard to describe the simple beauty and sense of calm that permeates your mind when you enter this outdoor environment. It is one of those places you can only truly appreciate in person. 

View towards apartments

This is our favorite spot to go to... whether its for alone time, a picnic, or just walking around. Over our past few months in Dallas, we’ve trekked all over this park and every corner of Addison Circle. We have yet to see the inside of any of the apartments (they’re guarded with special keys), but the park is always our retreat... morning, noon, or night.

Addison Sunset! <3
I’m sure we won’t always be celibate from television. We are human, and every once in awhile I just feel like laying down and doing something mindless. But in the meantime, it’s fun to live life instead of watching others live theirs in a box.


Unknown said...

People definitely need to watch less TV. We do own a TV, but do not have cable. We just do movie nights. There is so much more to do than watch reality tv shows or whatever else is on! Love you B!

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